Be Prepared. It’s A Motto Worth Living By.

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As a Boy Scout leader for many years, that motto means a lot to me. At its core, it’s about being ready, willing, and able to live a full and worthwhile life. That’s the number one reason my wife and I moved to Judson Park. We wanted to be prepared for the future and all its possibilities.

It’s always been important for us to make decisions together. So together, we decided to make our move early, while we’re healthy and living an independent lifestyle. In our church, we’ve watched couples who are determined to stay in their homes as they age. So often, one becomes a caregiver for the other. Then something happens to the caregiver and it’s rough. They’re making quick decisions and have limited options.

At Judson Park, we’re set. We have the security of lifelong care. We can stay right here. And even if one of us needs a higher level of assistance, we’ll be together in this beautiful community on the Sound.

We have all the privacy we want in our apartment. Good neighbors. Excellent dining options. We looked at five or six communities in the area. Judson Park was the best. Absolutely the best food. And when we really compared what we were paying to keep up the house with what we would pay at Judson Park, it was a good financial move for us. You know there’s always something with a house, plus property taxes, utilities, yard maintenance. When you put pencil to paper, you see the value. Coupled with knowing that we’re going to get that long-term medical care if we need it, right here, it’s reassurance, for sure.

I think a lot of people are hesitant to make the move, because they focus on what they think they might lose. Space for their stuff. A hobby. The peripheral things they do independently. They don’t see what you gain. Everything is taken care of here. We brought our dog. We attend the same church and still enjoy our hobbies. We’re still doing the things we want to do.

Sure, we had to downsize and I’ll admit, that takes some doing. But the Judson Park team is eager to jump in and help. Trust me, it’s worth it. We travel when we want, knowing someone is looking after our apartment. We take trips scheduled by Judson Park with other residents. It’s so relaxing. No hassles with parking or traffic. And we’re doing new things. Taking advantage of activities and opportunities we wouldn’t have if we weren’t living here. You name it, it’s available. I still don’t think I know all the things you can do here, and we’ve lived at Judson Park for almost two years!

The Scout motto also means you’re always prepared to help others. I love helping others see how terrific Judson Park is. Call and schedule lunch and a tour. I’m happy to help you look around and see if Judson Park is a good fit for you. To schedule a visit, call 206-429-5081. Tell them Bill is prepared to show you the ropes!

Bill Schlegel and his wife, Susan, have been residents at Judson Park since October 2014.

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