Introducing Dr. Margaret Gaines

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hg-gains (2)Dr. Margaret Gaines is a familiar face at Judson Park. She’s often found interacting with patients and nurses providing direct patient care, a benefit of her new full-time position in the community.

Her role as associate medical director is unique in the area, and Judson Park is one of the few licensed communities in the state to have a full-time physician on staff who focuses on delivering an integrated model of healthcare between acute care hospitals, short-stay rehabilitation and discharges home and back into community-based services.

The community’s short-stay post-acute rehabilitation team and program helps transition patients from the hospital, provide highly skilled medical care and rehabilitative therapies to help them get better and return home faster.

Dr. Gaines has a patient-directed approach to her practice and a bio-psychosocial model of understanding health and illness through biological, psychosocial and social factors. Her primary focus is on acting as attending physician for patients in our short-stay rehabilitation program, working with the hospitalists, specialty physicians and PCP physicians that our patents have a relationship with.  She sees her direct connection to the other physicians involved in the care of patients she attends for at Judson Park as one of the keys to successful patient outcomes.

“She’s very person-centered, person-focused, likes to know the patients and help them plan for the future,” said Nikole Jay, regional clinical director for HumanGood.

Dr. Gaines is triple board certified in geriatric, internal medicine and hospice and palliative care. She left her practice last year to become the community’s physician, and her role as a doctor, teacher and mentor is critical as we continue to take on acute care patients from local hospitals into our short-stay rehabilitation programs.

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