Senior Living Community News from

Judson Park Leads in Healthy Living

Written by HumanGood | Sep 29, 2016

Judson Park was one of two communities honored as being the "Best of the Best" by Masterpiece Living, a group that helps communities change how we age and foster healthy living.

Masterpiece Living designates top senior care communities as Centers for Successful Aging. Judson Park is one of only 11 locations in the nation that hold this honor.

Integrating successful aging principles in areas like programming, leadership, and team member and resident engagement is one of many initiatives underway in our community.

Residents are always seizing opportuniteis to learn and grow. The College Intellectual Inspiration, which was funded with a $10,000 gift to the HumanGood Foundation, embodies how a Center for Successful Aging is effective in meeting the goals of Masterpiece Living.

A resident advisory committee suggests course offerings, which are taught by visiting lecturers and college professors. So far, there have been classes on the Muslim faith, art, and the artist Edvard Munch which included a field trip to the Tacoma Art Museum. 

"One of the things we discovered when we started talking with the residents was that there was a big thirst for more meaty topics in the programming," says Joe Grillo, Judson Park resident and college steering committee member. "There seems to be a very good hunger for subjects of substance."