Judson Park Residents Find a Passion For Learning

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The College of Intellectual Inspiration has been an overwhelming success at Judson Park. The program was funded with a $10,000 gift to the ABHOW Foundation and the residents have been taking full advantage of its offerings. Seizing the opportunities to learn and grow, our community has arranged a resident advisory committee to suggest courses. These courses are taught by visiting lecturers and college professors, and cover a wide range of topics. So far, there have been classes on the Muslim faith, art, and the artist Edvard Munch, which included a field trip to the Tacoma Art Museum. This fall, there will be classes on geology, opera and the poet T.S. Eliot.

For team members and residents, continuous learning allows us to reach our maximum potential in life and to remain engaged and invigorated. Read full story about our community's passion for learning.

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