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sd-1524611777-zxv755at0u-snap-image-1Two amazing stories from White Sands La Jolla and Redwood Terrace featured in the San Diego Union Tribune in 2018 made the cut for the newspaper’s special year-end section called “Making a Difference—2018.”

Borne out of personal connections to homelessness, White Sands la Jolla resident Lois Ream and activities director Pat Guerrero have visited the Mission Bay weekly to hand out protein-rich food such as hard-boiled eggs and string cheese. They’re now known as “the egg and cheese ladies.” Their story was originally featured in the newspaper in April 2018.

sd-1536974499-vbhypxrgby-snap-imageAnd at Redwood Terrace, resident Pat Anderson can spend almost half of her day knitting. But Anderson, a breast cancer survivor, knits with a purpose creating lightweight breast-shaped bra inserts for women who’ve undergone a mastectomy as the result of breast cancer. Her story was originally featured in the newspaper in September 2018.      

Discover more about how these ladies are making a difference and living with purpose.

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