White Sands La Jolla Celebrates the launch of CoastSnap

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April 26, 2022 -- On April 21, White Sands La Jolla held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the launch of CoastSnap. The new program is part of a worldwide effort to track changing coastlines and contribute to our understanding of how the beach and sea level change over time. CoastSnap originally started in Australia in 2017, and there are now several regional projects in the United States in Delaware and Massachusetts. The White Sands station will serve as the first location in San Diego County.

Dr. Mark Merrifield, director, Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation at the University of California at San Diego, and Dr. Julia Fiedler, project scientist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, provided a short briefing to residents followed by a reception and ribbon cutting ceremony on the Sunset Patio area of White Sands La Jolla. The photos taken at the CoastSnap location will be added to a worldwide database, contributing to a global effort to involve and educate citizen scientists about our changing coastlines.

Thank you to the White Sands Green Committee for their assistance in sponsoring this program and event!



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