Front Door Club

Your Guide to Extending Healthspan at HumanGood | Front Door Club

Written by HumanGood | Feb 17, 2025 8:58:11 PM

We’re all looking for ways to live longer and age better. But did you know it’s not just about how long you’re living but also ensuring that those years are healthy ones? This is the concept of a healthspan. 

While how long you’re living is your lifespan, your healthspan consists of the number of healthy years you have — in other words, it’s the amount of time you’re living without a serious disease or impairment. Obviously, we want those two spans to match up as closely as possible so you can continue doing what you love for many years, whether that’s spending time with those you care about, going on vacation or participating in your favorite hobbies.

At HumanGood, we want to make sure our residents have what they need to age well with confidence, security and enthusiasm. We strive to help our residents improve their health and wellness through our available resources, event offerings and amenities. 

Certain health factors — physical mobility and strength, cognitive performance and immune health — are factors of longevity that are key to extending healthspan. Here’s how we’re addressing these factors in our HumanGood Life Plan Communities to help each resident live not only longer but also better.


Physical Ability and Strength

There are many benefits to staying active, including having a positive impact on mood, helping to prevent falls, enhancing brain health, strengthening bones and muscles, and even improving sleep. Physical activity can also help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing a chronic condition.

There’s no one right way to work toward improving your physical mobility and strength. Even taking small steps toward a more physically active lifestyle can provide a lot of benefits, and you can make strides toward gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts. For example, learning how to keep your ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and ears in alignment can help correct posture and balance, which is essential for improving mobility and helping to prevent falls.

In our HumanGood communities, we take a multifaceted approach by offering a suite of wellness programs and healthy foods that address multiple interests, abilities and palates. For example, many of our communities provide amenities such as fitness centers, walking paths, pools and exercise classes to help residents meet their wellness goals while offering a variety of options to address different interests and activity levels.


Cognitive Performance

Our brains change as we age, but that doesn’t mean cognitive impairment is inevitable. There are several different ways to keep your brain sharp, including engaging in regular exercise, eating a nutrient-rich diet, managing stress, learning new skills to keep your mind active and, perhaps most importantly, staying socially active.

Socialization isn’t just about having a support network — it also has plenty of health benefits, such as lowering stress levels and improving quality of life. A rich and varied social life is a critical element in improving longevity and well-being.

How can you expand your social circle and keep your mind sharp? In our HumanGood Life Plan Communities, we make it effortless. 

You’ll find many opportunities to stay socially active and make new friends, whether it’s taking a class where you can meet other friendly folks or running into friends at an on-campus art show. You’ll also find lifelong learning opportunities in many of our communities, including through collaborations with local colleges and businesses. 

Our communities offer a variety of different clubs, such as book clubs, crafting clubs and more. And for those who like to socialize with their friends over a shared hobby, many of our communities offer game nights, gardening events and woodworking events. 


Immune Health

Boosting immune health is important for preventing illness and improving overall well-being. A large part of boosting immune health is staying updated on vaccinations and washing your hands, but you can also improve your immune health by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating a nutritious diet.

Ensuring residents have what they need to stay healthy is one of our top priorities, which is why you’ll find wellness centers right on campus in many of our communities and access to higher levels of living if needed. 

Connecting with nature is also a part of staying well, and you’ll find gorgeous scenery and nature right on campus, enabling you to gather friends for a brisk walk while enjoying the breeze and sounds around you.

Remember, healthy living can be fun. And you’ll find plenty of support for your lifestyle and the resources you need to make focusing on your health and happiness more attainable in your HumanGood community. Get in touch with your community today to learn more about the wellness resources that are available to you!