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Please join us for an expert-led presentation on how

Stronger Connection = Health Protection

An illustration highlighting the importance of social connections in promoting a longer, healthier life

Can connection help you live longer? Join us at a special presentation to find out.

Date and time

Thursday, October 24 at 1 p.m.

Refreshments will be served.


Rydal Park & Waters
1515 The Fairway | Jenkintown

CONNECTION doesn’t necessarily mean being the life of the party. But what it can imply may be more nuanced than many may believe.

Come to this event and learn more about a recent Harvard Study and subsequent research on how the power of community can be the most powerful tool to extending not only life span, but health span.


Featured Presenters

Hal S. Hockfield Headshot

Hal S. Hockfield, MD, FACP, is a board-certified primary care internist and a committed educator at Abington Jefferson Health. He serves as Medical Director at Rydal Park & Waters and is aformer President of the Medical Staff at Abington Hospital.

Laura Berry HeadshotLaura Berry, Director of Community Life at Rydal Park & Waters, oversees social, fitness, concierge, transportation, and spiritual programs. Laura is passionate about fostering connections, believing that they are essential to daily life.

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