Relationships make life worth living. And meaningful relationships grow naturally from the fertile soil of community. HumanGood Life Plan Communities empower residents to build meaningful relationships and lives they love, pursuing whatever is most important to them.
Relationships make life worth living. And meaningful relationships grow naturally from the fertile soil of community. HumanGood Life Plan Communities empower residents to build meaningful relationships and lives they love, pursuing whatever is most important to them.
"My favorite part about living in a community is there’s always somebody to do something with. You’re never alone if you don’t want to be."
"My favorite part about living in a community is there’s always somebody to do something with. You’re never alone if you don’t want to be."
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Westminster Gardens is owned and managed by HumanGood SoCal, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation serving older adults since 1955. License #197605591, Certificate of Authority #337. Westminster Gardens, 1420 Santo Domingo Ave, Duarte, CA 91010, (626) 709-5845.
As an equal opportunity housing provider and employer, HumanGood provides housing and employment opportunities regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, familial status or any other classification protected by law.