Event Description
What’s impacting real estate today?
Is now the time to sell your home? So many factors come into play in making that decision. Understanding the housing market, the general economic outlook, and your needs for your next home are just some of the considerations.
Local Dave Knight Real Estate listing specialist, Esther Clauson, will share her extensive knowledge of the real estate market and selling or buying property. Join us and hear about Esther’s experiences in the San Gabriel Valley housing market.
You’ll learn about:
Esther Clauson
Dave Knight Real Estate listing specialist
Refreshments will be served.
Westminster Gardens
Packard Hall|1420 Santo Domingo Avenue
Duarte, CA 91010
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Westminster Gardens is owned and managed by HumanGood SoCal, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation serving older adults since 1955. License #197605591, Certificate of Authority #337. Westminster Gardens, 1420 Santo Domingo Ave, Duarte, CA 91010, (626) 709-5845.