Am I eligible?

El Bethel Arms is a HUD Section 8 apartment building. The Head of Household or Spouse must be 62 years of age or older at time of application. Additional household members of any age, including children are welcome as long as household size does not exceed maximum occupancy guidelines consistent with 63 Fed. Reg. 70982 (December 22, 1998). The maximum income for one person is $68,550 ($78,350 for two persons, $88,150 for three persons, $97,900 for four persons).

How to join the waiting list

Demand for low-income senior affordable housing far exceeds availability in most areas. We maintain a Waiting List to provide a fair and equitable way to track interest and make apartments available as they become vacant. Applications shall be distributed only when the Waiting List is open and can be acquired, completed and submitted via e-mail, mail, walk-in, fax and/or online. Refer to the top of this page to see if we’re currently accepting applications.

Once the application is received, it will be determined whether the applicant preliminarily qualifies to be placed on the waiting list. If the applicant does not qualify, they will be notified in writing. The community must be notified by the applicant's preferred method of communication if any application information changes, including but not limited to contact and income information. The community updates its waiting list once per year. If the applicant does not respond to the community's outreach regarding staying on the waiting list, the applicant will be removed from the list.

Reasonable accommodations are available. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact us at (415) 567-3950 or

Language assistance, including interpretation and translation services, is available. If you need language assistance,
please contact us at (415) 567-3950 or

Se ofrece asistencia lingüística, incluidos servicios de interpretación y traducción. Si necesita ayuda con el idioma, comuníquese con nosotros al (415) 567-3950 o